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Why Does My Back Hurt? Our Chiropractors Highlight the Top Causes

Written By All Seasons Integrative Health on October 21, 2019

Back pain is a common ailment across the globe. In fact, statistics from the American Chiropractic Association report that roughly 31 million Americans experience pain in the lower back at any given time. If you're on this page because you're looking for the cause behind your back pain, now may be the time to visit our local chiropractors for relief. All Seasons Full Body Chiropractic Center, LLC provides quality chiropractic care across North Dakota. Our team focuses on the entire body to provide lasting results that help you finally feel good again!

There are many possible causes behind your back pain. Today, we'll cover a few of the most common sources, as well as the value of visiting our center for spinal manipulation. Learn more about our chiropractic services, and be sure to contact us if you're ready to learn more!

General Subluxations

In a lot of cases, back pain occurs from a misalignment somewhere within the body. You rely on muscles, discs, nerves, and spinal joints to all work in unison in order to provide stability and support all day long. If any issue occurs which impacts how your body works moves, discomfort can result.

Disc Issues

The discs in your spine act as buffers between your vertebrae, offering comfort and support for all of life's activities. Slipped, herniated, or bulging discs can all cause ongoing problems. A slipped disc occurs when a disc between your spinal joints slips out, typically from physical activity. A disc can herniate and push fragments into the spinal canal, causing serious pain and discomfort. Many people deal with herniated discs, but few suffer enough problems to actively seek treatment. If your pain worsens, it's important to seek out chiropractic care to prevent further complications.

Bulging discs are not as serious as herniated discs, yet can still place pressure on the nerve root. This pressure can cause serious discomfort! 

Pain From Old Injuries

As any athlete can tell you, injuries from long ago have the potential to cause ongoing issues. The trauma once experienced by your bones, muscles, and connective tissues may go away with time, but if there are any issues with the alignment, pain can begin to develop. Back-specific injuries are the most common cause of back problems, and should be treated to prevent any complications associated with aging.

While many people think that back pain can come on suddenly when lifting heavy objects or moving at a strange angle, the reality is that this event is merely the catalyst for ongoing problems. Poor diet, posture, and other issues can slowly worsen your spinal health until one day you pull something.

Ligament, Muscle, or Tendon Injuries

The soft tissues surrounding your spine are charged with keeping everything in place. If you've suffered an injury such as a sprain or strain along the spine, then it's important to take the proper precautions to optimize healing and prevent future issues. Lumbar muscle strains are the most common cause of pain in the lower back. Whether from a sudden event or from a lifetime of heavy strain, these strains will likely worsen if left untreated.

Medical Conditions

While back pain affects millions of Americans on a daily basis, some patients are in need of additional support due to their medical illnesses. Diseases such arthritis can cause stiffness and swelling, resulting in discomfort in the joints. Osteoarthritis is a similar condition where the cartilage and bones begin to break down. Some patients suffer from Scoliosis, which is the curvature of the spine. We've helped individuals for a wide range of reasons, relying on our comprehensive approach to provide long-term results.

Lifestyle Choices

Your overall health and daily habits may do a lot with the discomfort you're feeling along your spine. A lack of exercise, for example, can weaken the muscles and body's circulation, increasing the likelihood of injury. On the opposite end of the spectrum, individuals who move heavy objects for a living are likely to experience back pain. If you sit at a desk, it's important to consider your posture and how it affects your spine's alignment. Slouching (and being sedentary) all day can cause serious discomfort!

A study published through Medical News Today posited that smokers are three times more likely to suffer from chronic back pain than nonsmokers. If you're struggling with obesity, it's important to understand that this issue can also cause back pain.

Benefit From Our Chiropractic Care!

All Seasons Full Body Chiropractic Center, LLC in Fargo is here to provide quality chiropractic care to patients across North Dakota. We strive to provide complete solutions for each of our patients, focusing on whole-body wellness to create lasting relief. From body alignments to massage therapy, PEMF lasers, and more, our local chiropractors strive to deliver uncompromising care.

If you're ready to achieve back pain relief and finally feel good again, then be sure to contact us online to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

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Posted In: Chiropractic Care All Seasons Integrative Health Back Adjustment Back Pain Relief Body Alignment Chiropractic Adjustment Local Chiropractor Spine Alignment